Easter Egg Hunt meets Field Day. That is what Summer's 4 years old class did last week for their preschool Easter party. We had an amazing fun morning. Seeing these kids racing each other was quite a sight for sure. I left Forrest behind at home with a sitter. It was a treat in itself to just see Summer with her friends. I just love how happy she is out there. It was VERY important to Summer that she got to hold the bunny. As soon as it was her turn in line, she sprinted for it. And as you can see, mission accomplished. It was a pretty cute one. On our way back to the car, she held my hand tightly and said, "Spending time with you was my favorite." I melted. Summer got these bunny ears last year and she made sure she wore it for the party. I absolutely loved my time with Summer. Pretty much a perfect morning. I love you, my bunny ears.