Sunday, November 13, 2011

Maco Light Legend 5k Run

David decided to run in the Maco Light Legend 5k race again this year. He dropped his time by 35 seconds. Impressive. This is the race that runs through Summer's school campus along the old railroad that claims to be haunted. Quite fascinating for this part of town. You can read more about it here. Summer and I did the fun mile run and she felt very grown-up to be a part of this fundraiser for her school's fitness and fine arts program. After the race the kids jumped on the blow-up bounce house and ate lots of italian ice. Earlier when we got to the school parking lot the kids in the back of our car would start telling and pointing when they saw the bounce house. It was so cute to watch. The real treat was having my dad join us with our good friends, Sharon and Elmer. We loved our time with them and can't wait for next year.