The day after Christmas we loaded up the car and drove to Florida for our first family vacation. We had an amazingly fun time. We took down our Christmas tree on Christmas night. Yes, we did. All the ornaments and decorations were packed away. I didn't want to come back home with the floors full of fraser fir needles. And we knew we were coming back home after New Year's so it felt good to have a clean start.
Our first stop was St. Augustine where we stayed for two nights. Our hotel was right on the beach - heaven! We relaxed, walked on the beach and visited some friends. Our friends gave us a tour of St. Augustine then invited us to their house for dinner and a bonfire. The kids ate s'mores. So fun! The next morning, David said we were going to Daytona Beach but he drove right past the exit and we ended up at Disney World! The kids were BEYOND excited. The weather was perfect. It was crowded at Disney World but not as crowded as I thought it would be. We rode almost every ride. Forrest's favorite ride was Dumbo. It was very important to him that David rode with him on the elephant. Summer's number one ride choice was the Barnstormer. As we were making sure she was tall enough for the ride, Forrest realized that he too was tall enough. As soon as the ride was over Forrest was half-smiling, squeezing the life out of my hand and shaking a little. Summer on the other hand was yelling "again, again!" Too funny! Our family voted the best ride was the It's a Small World. The kids loved all the vibrant colors. We stayed at Disney World from the time the gates opened at 8am until 11pm! We saw lots of parades and the best of all was seeing Cinderella's Castle lit up with all the lights.
It was a magical day and I didn't want it to end.