Here is my Forrest right after he got home from school. The minute Forrest walks through the garage door he puts his backpack in the kitchen, changes into his play clothes and then goes straight to his baskets of Legos. If it's raining outside, that's what he does. If it's sunny out, he's outside riding on his bike or scooting on his scooter. After he builds something with his Legos, he hops on the sofa to play with it for a bit. Then he goes back to his "Legos station" to build something different. He repeats this over and over. If you give him a bag of Legos, he will be happy as a clam all day long.
One of my favorite moments with Forrest is when I turn out the lights and tuck Forrest into bed each night, he always wraps his tiny arms around my neck, squeezing tightly. And then he holds my face with his hands and kisses my left cheek.
Forrest is my sweet boy. I am one lucky mama.
And, my heart is full.