I have decided lots and lots of things for our home even though I know some of them won't happen for a while. It's just my creative outlet to decorate our home, even if it is, at times, just in my head. I have always been drawn towards french, belgian and swedish design. I love neutral, light-filled rooms that are not overly designed. With two active ones running around, I've found that a clean, well-ordered space makes life much simpler. Of course, I have a soft spot for antique furniture. I don't take myself too seriously but it's important for me to create a haven for my family.
Summer and I went on a hunt to find a dresser for her room. We found this yellow/cream-ish french provincial dresser badly in need of some love and attention. I decided to paint it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, and Summer picked the color, Paris Grey.
As for how everything turned out, Summer LOVES it. It's so much more, "her". The way her bedroom layout was before was nice and I think, fine, but it really didn't reflect the "look" that she loves, I feel like the whole room flows a bit more smoothly now. If she's happy, I'm happy.