Last night Summer had her first sleepover. She had her friend, Bree, over at our house right after school. I know, it's a bit late when you're almost eight but that was our fault. We couldn't have friends over spending the night until our kitchen was officially a "working kitchen". All the appliances and sink had to be hooked up and all the tools put away in the garage. We still have a long way to go before it's completed as you can see in the pictures. Well, last week I told Summer that she could invite a friend over. Summer was thrilled. She could not stop talking about it all week.
Bree is one of Summer's dear friends. They both have been in the same class for three years and the highlight of her month is going to Saddle Club with Bree. It is one of the sweetest and cutest things to watch them develop friendship. They go from their entire world consisting of just mom and dad and siblings to discovering independence and fun away from us.
This morning the girls decided to do a spa and painted their nails. I wanted to take this picture so as time goes on it will be a fun memory for Summer. She had the time of her life. I am so happy she has such a sweet little friend to grow up with.