Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Love just isn't a strong enough word for the way I feel about these two. I am so blessed to have these 2 calling me mommy. They're growing up faster than I would like. I literally sometimes feel a panic come over me that it's all just going by too quickly. Things have changed a lot in the past year. They're getting older and are at school longer and have activities. Gone are the days of me just hanging out at home with my babies. I miss that A LOT. Nighttimes are filled with gymnastics, swimming and homework assignments. I used to be able to just play with them all day and then I could write about it here on this blog. I've been terrible at baby books and so this blog is where I can log my memories of my kids at all of the different stages they have been in. I still get to play with them but finding the time to write about it is getting more and more scarce. I think of all of the things I love about them daily and don't want to forget. Today I decided to write my top 4 favorite things about the Schultz kids right now. I could just bottle them up right now just as they are. They make me happy and I love them more than they'll ever know.
Summer and Forrest - my hope is that one day when you're older you'll read my words and know that your mom loved and adored you - from the beginning.

Top 4 things I'm loving about you right now:
~I LOVE your imagination. It's incredibly amazing. Whenever you see something in the recycling bin that can be changed into a toy you go for it. You made a shield from a pizza cardboard box that was left in the bin last week. I never stop you from digging out the recycling bin even if it means hoarding all of the toilet paper rolls.
~I love how you spot me walking to the crosswalk at school and then you run to me as fast as you can. It's our routine. We get about 20 minutes of time just the two of us while we wait for Summer's turn for pick up. It's my highlight too.
~I love how you get so excited about how you're growing up. You often yell to me to watch you ride your bike and make sure that I am watching you doing some cool tricks on the driveway.
~I love how you always like to play with my shirt while I'm brushing your teeth every morning and night. As silly as this may be but you love it and how can I say no to that? You're fascinated with the buttons and zippers and it's just too cute.

Top 4 things I'm loving about you right now:
~I love your sweet notes you leave me all over the house - it's pretty cute. No matter how small or big, I keep each one of them in a box.
~I love how you pretend to limp around the house with your makeshift crutches (a small broom and a tree branch) and play doctor. You never tire of it.
~I love how before bed every night you ask, "mama, massage my back, please?" You always get so excited and say, "Yay!" when I say yes.
~I love how much you love to read. Every time you find me reading in my room, you always hop into bed with me with your book. Right now you love to read "The Magic Tree House" chapter books and can read the whole book in one night.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Last night Summer had her first sleepover. She had her friend, Bree, over at our house right after school. I know, it's a bit late when you're almost eight but that was our fault. We couldn't have friends over spending the night until our kitchen was officially a "working kitchen". All the appliances and sink had to be hooked up and all the tools put away in the garage. We still have a long way to go before it's completed as you can see in the pictures. Well, last week I told Summer that she could invite a friend over. Summer was thrilled. She could not stop talking about it all week.
Bree is one of Summer's dear friends. They both have been in the same class for three years and the highlight of her month is going to Saddle Club with Bree. It is one of the sweetest and cutest things to watch them develop friendship. They go from their entire world consisting of just mom and dad and siblings to discovering independence and fun away from us.
This morning the girls decided to do a spa and painted their nails. I wanted to take this picture so as time goes on it will be a fun memory for Summer. She had the time of her life. I am so happy she has such a sweet little friend to grow up with.

Monday, April 8, 2013

My Forrest

I can't begin to explain how much I love my Forrest. He's growing up before my eyes and it's fun. In less than a month he will be turning six. I just can't believe it. He is still just as sweet as ever. I really don't think that will ever change. He is a good and sweet boy to his core. I took this picture of him this evening. I was in the kitchen making dinner and saw Forrest through the window running in the backyard with a huge smile on his face while flapping his arms up and down. It was so darn cute that I made him let me take his picture. I wanted to remember him just like this forever. It feels like I'm living with little cartoon characters every day. The best!
p.s. please don't ever grow up, Forrest.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Best

Before hopping into the car for church, I made the kids pose in front of our front door in their new easter outfits. I can't even count the number of pictures I have taken of the kids in front of this door over the years. Looking at this picture, I am struck by how grown-up they are looking. I think of myself with two little ones but there's not a little one in sight in this picture! Where is the time going? I love these two more than I ever imagined I could love anything or anyone. It really is unreal the amount of love you have for your kids. The second picture is so sweet to me. Although it looks like Summer is pointing to the sky, there is a tree in front of the yard where they spotted a little bird. It was so cute how Summer wanted to make sure her little brother could see that little bird before we headed out. I want to freeze them just like this.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Morning

The kids were so adorable when they woke us up to go downstairs on Easter morning. They were in their Easter jammies and I couldn't get over their cuteness. The carrots and water they left for the Easter Bunny were gone. He really had been at our house! The baskets were super simple and the kids LOVED them. The big hit was each got their own roll of patterned duct tape. Very exciting. Summer left a note by her basket before going to bed with instructions that she did NOT want any bubbles (she thinks it's for little kids). So Forrest did get bubbles and Summer did not. Phew! Foil wrapped chocolate, a few bouncy balls, watercolor paint set and stickers and the kids were thrilled. We had the egg hunt in our backyard. It is so darn cute watching them. I got them little green felt baskets a few years back for our egg hunt and now it's a tradition. They love those little things. It was such a simple and fun morning. Happy Easter!