I'm a fire truck, brave and red,
I'm the best, the fire chief said,
Ready at all times, day and night,
Steady and read and ready to fight.
Hear my siren, stand aside,
Firemen jump on, speedy ride,
Through the city, crowds all stare
Heroes, here goes - we'll be there!
Big red lights they flash and say:
Fire truck - danger - out of the way!
Engine revving, big tires hum,
Hear my loud bell, here I come!
Billowed smoke, a life to save,
Hydrants, hoses, firemen brave,
Water pouring, ladders climb,
Just a night's work - just in time!
I'm a fire truck, here for you,
Always ready, needs are few,
Tires and fuel, I'm tireless, clean,
Big red fire truck, your machine.
Poem by Australian Poet Graeme King