Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Perfectly Imperfect

The scar on her chin from the accident really bothered me at first. The fact that at that age she already had marks that will be with her for a lifetime. however, I'm learning to be grateful for the little scar line beneath her chin. I hope to help her remember that even if her outsides don't look so perfect... she is wonderfully made and perfectly imperfect... and whole.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Beach and a Birthday Party

We made another trip to the beach.  Forrest was beyond excited as if it were Christmas each time we go. We've gone to the same place for the past 7 years. It is our favorite spot. Forrest has the routine down now. He plays in the waves with his boogie board, fills up his yellow bucket with water, makes sand tracks for his trucks and I of course always look for crab moles. He was so cute looking so serious doing tracks and castle building. It was a really perfect day.

In other Schultz family news - today is my 34th birthday. Summer ran into my room this morning and said, "Mom! Get up! It's your birthday!" I went down the stairs and found David with both kids in the kitchen singing Happy Birthday. He woke the kids up early (without me knowing) and drove them in their pj's to the bagel shop to get me my favorite breakfast bagel. They had a candle in it and everything for me to blow out. It was so cute and the best birthday party ever. Summer and Forrest were especially excited because David let them get their own cinnamon roll because it was "a party". I've had a happy life but I must say that I have never been as happy as I am these days. Here's to another 34 years (and then some)!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer's Lost Tooth

Summer lost her other tooth while we were at Wrightsville Beach yesterday. She now has her two bottom teeth missing. It looks so cute! Right when it happened I told her that we have to put it in a safe place. We put it in a zippered pocket in our beach bag. Sure enough when we got back home last night she pulled out that little pillow out of her closet again. And yes, the tooth fairy did find her... 6 year olds are fun.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tooth Fairy

Yesterday afternoon as I was in the first grade pick-up line waiting my turn for Summer to hop in the car, I saw her beaming on the sidewalk. As soon as she hopped in the car she could not contain herself. She said, "Mom, this is the best day of my whole life! I lost my tooth! I wiggled it during lunch and it came out!" Wow. What a day. She then showed me a little plastic bag which held her tooth. For a first grader, losing your tooth AT SCHOOL pretty much equals celebrity status for the day. We came home and immediately the tooth fairy pillow came out of the closet. She has looked longingly at this little felt pillow for years. The day had finally come. Before bed she put her tooth in the little pocket on the pillow and carefully tucked it under her pillow. This morning she came running into our room yelling that the tooth fairy had visited her and had left her some very fancy gold dollar coins. My summer is growing up and I can't believe it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Better Late Than Never...

David took this picture of us this morning with my phone when the kids hopped in bed with us to snuggle. I LOVE this about Saturday mornings. No rushing to get everyone up and dressed. It's the BEST! I am now on Instagram and I must say I am loving getting pictures of my friends throughout my day on my phone. It's really so fun. As it is with all trends, I am usually the last to know. This one is no exception. Thanks to one of my friends, I am now on and my username is joyschultz. Join me! (Hope... do it)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catch Up

I am quite behind with my pictures as of late. With school out for Forrest and home all day everyday I seem to not get much done. We've had lots of beach and pool days. This little boy has a BIG personality. He makes me laugh each and every day. I love this picture of him with his bike helmet on and in his very favorite snoopy shirt. This will always be my image of him as a little boy - a big smile and his bike helmet.
Forrest was teasing me the other day and said, "Mom, someday when I get older I'm going to get my lego car!" He was very serious but I couldn't help but smile because I loved that he added that his car would be made of legos. See, he's funny and I adore him. He is a happy little boy through and through. I can't believe I get to call him mine.
And for the record, how cute is Forrest? A total keeper.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Forrest

He's growing up and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it either. It's fun to see my kids develop and change but at the same time I want to keep them as my babies forever. I love this photo. That's my view of him all day. Forrest likes to poke at my legs with his little fingers wanting me to play with him. If I'm doing laundry or dishes he'll come over and stay there until I'm done so we can play. It's so cute. This picture presents a very mellow Forrest but that is not the case. He is crazy BUSY and into EVERYTHING. He only knows one speed and that is... fast. The only comment I get when I take him anywhere is, "You've got your hands full." Yes I do. My hands are full, no doubt about that and I'm exhausted by the end of each day but what is there to complain about when they are full of love. Could be worse and I wouldn't have it any other way.