2 more "sleeps" until Easter. We measure days around our house in terms of "sleeps". How many times do we have to go to bed before... whatever fun thing is coming up. Summer and Forrest are excited for the Easter Bunny's visit to our home. The countdown has been going on for weeks in our home. Summer and Forrest made paper chains that hang in their bedrooms so they can be SURE to know how many more days until "THE BIG DAY". Yesterday I was a parent helper with Summer's class for the Easter Egg Hunt. I helped hide the eggs while Forrest held the bag of eggs in one hand and waved the egg in his other hand to everybody saying, "That's mine!" How cute is this girl's expression when she found her favorite candy in one of the eggs? A bit blurry but I had a restless Forrest on my hip so what could I expect? It was so fun to be a part of her day and to have a glimpse into her Kindergarten life.
We have a busy day today and lots of things are on my to-do list to get ready for Easter. However, there is one important thing that Summer will NOT let me forget. We have to stop at the grocery store to get the Easter Bunny carrots and hot chocolate. According to Summer, the Easter Bunny will be sad if he doesn't have both. He loves hot chocolate, right?