Each night, David and I switch off putting Forrest and Summer to bed. It is our special time with the kids. I love the talks I have with Forrest as he dozes off to sleep. He keeps his horsey in one hand and wraps his other arm tightly around my neck. Nose to nose we have some pretty cute conversations. He loves to talk about when he was a baby and is fascinated by the whole circle of life concept. He often tells me, "I used to be a baby, now I am a big boy, next I will be a teenager, then a daddy, then a granddaddy and then I will go to heaven". His view of life is so sweet and so simplistic. I love it. I tell him how lucky I feel that out of the millions of little baby boys in heaven, daddy and I were sent him... the smartest, funniest, most handsome one to come to our family. Wow, what are the chances of that!? Well, that little conversation really stuck with him because last night as I put him to bed, he had been quiet for a while and then he whispered to me, "Mama, you're really special to me. Out of all the mommies in heaven, grams got the best one to go to her tummy". All I could do was smile and kiss him on his little forehead.