Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kure Beach Triathlon

This morning David completed the Kure Beach Triathlon with his "personal best" time ever. David refers this "personal best" as his own accomplishment with shaving more than six minutes from the last race. It is pure fun for David with an hour of biking, running and swimming... but not for me. Our day started very early with all of us getting up before six. David left the house first to set up his equipment at the race site. The kids and I packed the car with snacks, games and bottles of water. We found a great spot to park in the center of the race and set up our spot. The best part was waiting by the side of the road looking for daddy. The kids loved being his personal cheerleaders, yelling "Go, Daddy...! Go, Daddy...!" each time he passed by. It is obvious from the big smile on David's face that he was having so much fun. I am so proud of this guy.