Today is Summer's class Valentine's Day party. She is sooo excited. I remember my elementary school valentine parties like they were yesterday. The night before carefully writing my name and choosing specifically which valentines to give to boys and which ones to give to girls. A mistake in that department could be very embarrassing! We worked on Summer's valentines yesterday afternoon and this morning for her to pass out to her classmates. She worked really hard and had to write her 20 classmates' names. Yesterday at the store she chose peanut m & m's for her candy. She is my chocolate lover so it was an easy decision. Summer chose her outfit all by herself. She could not wait to wear her red dress. She wanted to look extra fancy today for the party. I can't wait to hear all about it when I pick her up from school.
On a side note... while out shopping yesterday Summer said she wanted to have her hair cut short. She feels very grown up with her new haircut and in her own words, very "sassy".