Sunday, September 13, 2009

Apple Juice

While Summer is in art class every other Sunday afternoon, I grab this precious opportunity to spend solo time with Forrest. After I dropped off Summer today, I told Forrest that I would get him his own drink at the gas station on the way to the park. His eyes lit up instantly. He said, "All mine?" Usually when the kids get something, they share. And whenever they get juice, it is diluted, 3/4 water with 1/4 juice. But not today. It was his special treat and he chose an apple juice. Just seeing him in all smiles and getting all giddy about this simple treat, even though it was just for an hour and half, made my heart love him even more.
When we got to the park, the first thing Forrest did was to drink his apple juice. He kept saying "All mine, all mine, all mine". He sat, watched the kids playing for a few minutes, then went to his favorite spot - the slide. He loves walking up the slide then sliding down on his belly. When Forrest is with his big sister, he would follow her around. But not today. He did exactly what he wanted to do. I feel the last picture of him smiling in his car seat just before we left the park to pick up Summer, best shows his true happiness.
I love that you are mine, Forrest.
I love spending time with you.
I love you.