It may look like we hired a photographer but oh no. This photo was taken just 3 weeks ago on a FREEZING day with my camera on a tripod. Since our first year of marriage I've MADE myself send out Christmas cards. The real reason is because it makes certain we take a family picture EVERY YEAR. I also put a book together with our cards in it over the years and it's like a little Schultz Family time capsule. I was flipping through the pictures last night and can't believe how fast the years have gone by and now how quickly these kids of ours are growing up. We have some pretty fun cards over the years but this one may be my favorite yet.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Our Christmas in a recap:
1. For years I've wanted to do white linen stockings. I couldn't find what I pictured in my head so I decided to make them myself. Ruffles for the girls and folded down for the boys. So happy how they turned out.
2. Dropped off Summer at a friend's house for a "tacky xmas sweater" party. I only had one request - it had to be handmade, not store bought. I think she delivered. Priceless.
3. We went to the tree lot last night and it literally took us 5 seconds to pick our tree. It's now covered in sparking lights, collected ornaments and my personal favorite, the ornaments they've made over the years in school {the paper angel tree topper was made by Forrest when he was 3 in preschool}
4. A subtle hint for Santa to stop at our home.
5. My sweet Summer's room with her homemade wreath. I provided the supplies and a quick how-do and she created it on her own.
6. One of the kids' favorite Christmas traditions is decorating their rooms and putting on their Christmas flannel sheets. Summer's bed turned out extra cute this year.
7. Forrest cracks up EVERYTIME he reads the part, "he was a chubby and plumb, a right jolly old elf".
8. Christmas Eve {cookies, milk and notes for Santa}
9. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Lunch Date
Once a school year, I pull the kids out of school to have lunch with me. I've been looking forward to this lunch date with my Forrest all year and it did not disappoint! Love this boy.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
We had a happy Thanksgiving. I didn't even turn on my iPhone but it was a very happy day. I got out my big camera and took pictures of our table because the kids took over the reins of the decorations this year. They did a great job! They decided to use our fancy plates and cloth napkins. The garlands were Summer's idea and Forrest placed a rose on each plate. Our dinner was lovely, the weather was unusually warm and when it got dark we took out the tea light candles and it made everything feel magical.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Happy Birthday David!
53 has never looked so good!! Happy birthday to my David. He's the most kind and loving person I know. Good to his core. I'm so happy he's ours!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Halloween Night
Summer the Greek Goddess

Forrest the Jawa (from Star Wars)
Sandy and Danny from Grease
Monday, October 10, 2016
For family night we decorated our house for Halloween. This is my favorite spot. Every year I only buy one thing each holiday to add to our collection. The pumpkin lanterns were a bargain at the Target $1 bin several years ago. The striped candles are pretty fun, too. "Ava candles" on Amazon.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
Summer of 2016

Work and family have consumed most of my time but life is happy and busy. I taught summer classes twice a week, which meant I had the kids to myself the other three days unless they're in camp. If they aren't in camp we're always at the pool or the beach.
Here is a recap of our summer:
1. These two. They're like an old married couple. Joined at the hip, inseparable. They find each other first thing every morning and stick together like glue until bedtime. They are the best of friends. Today at the pool they played together all day long and I got not one complaint. Except for when it was time to go home.
2. Father's Day. These kids have been blessed with the most loving, fun, adventurous and devoted dad. He puts his family first and I'm grateful that his example is what they will always associate with what a husband and a father should be.
3. We just dropped off Forrest and Summer at Camp Mark 7 in Old Forge, NY where they call home for the next two weeks.
4. Just one more, because I already miss them.
5. Yesterday we got our first mail from the kids. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read their little sweet notes. In their precious handwriting Summer wrote, "I miss you a little bit, but am loving it!" Forrest said, "the food sometimes is super gross. Can you come here" (he lives to eat!) Our days have been busy filled with work and spontaneous dates but our hearts feel incomplete. David and I can't wait to see them next week.
6. One benefit to being parked (literally) on the I-95 northbound is finding this gem on my phone. Can't wait for a family hug at the camp's parent night.
7. I don't get to Instagram as much as I would like to these days. As the kids get older my spare moments are fewer and fewer. I am on break from teaching for a week and half, so our mornings have been lazy lately. I love it. Earlier this summer we decided to get our floors refinished. It was a lot of work to get everything off the floor, remove all the doors and to coordinate the kids' camps AND to figure out where to sleep. Many things to dear friends for helping our little family, we were able to pull through this project. I have things still upstairs that I want to move down here but waiting for the floors to cure a little more. My goal is to get back to my "real camera" and be better about documenting my kids so that they have pictures to put with their memories as they grow older.
8. Grasping on to every last bit of summer!
9. On August 23rd I turned 39. And guess what, I'm genuinely so happy about it. The older I get, the more clearly I'm able to see what is that truly brings me the most joy - and each year I realize more and more clearly that it's not 'things' at all, it's people and relationships. And relationships take time. All day today I've been overcome with how grateful I am for the amazing people that have been placed in my life. I am one lucky girl. Thank you for filling my life with so much goodness. I love each of you with my whole heart.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Sibling Love

I am constantly telling my kids how lucky they are to have each other. I tell them that no matter what... they need to love and look out for each other. And that throughout their lives no one will understand them or "get them" as well as they do. I know this from firsthand experience. I often say, "friends come and go but siblings are... (and they repeat with me) FOREVER.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Forrest is 9!

On May 5th Forrest turned NINE. No one can make me laugh as hard as my Forrest. He's HILARIOUS. The 'double fist pump' accompanied by a, "YES!" means he's super excited! {he's been wanting this Lego set for months!}
In keeping with the tradition, the kids eat a special breakfast in bed on their birthdays, so this year Forrest requested toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. It was a perfect day and I can't believe my baby is 9. Happy 9th Birthday my sweet Forrest!
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
'Happy Birthday' Plate

They just headed out the door for the traditional birthday-eve daddy date. Forrest is holding our family special 'happy birthday' plate - David always asks the server to plate the kids' dinner on it at the restaurant (most likely that plate will soon be covered in pad thai).
My little baby is growing up ♡
Monday, March 28, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016
Ski Bunnies

We took the kids skiing for the first time. By the end of the day they were mini-experts. They loved it! I was a bit sad the week before when I realized how fast time is passing with my kids. We decided at the last minute to pack the night before when we saw the ski weather report and quickly loaded up the car the next morning. We headed straight for the mountains as soon as David got home from work. The truth is, it's WAY more fun skiing on the bunny slopes with them. Maybe them growing up isn't so bad after all.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
A Sneak Peek

My very first purchase for our "new to us" home. I found the most beautiful antique dresser almost a year ago from Zartiques. When I first saw this piece, I knew exactly where I wanted it, by the window in the newly painted family room. I hope to find two matching antique chairs, one for each side. The other day Summer and I picked out these pretty hydrangeas. We think it's perfect.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Family Room
A month after we moved into our new house - our first family home in the city and a home we had been looking for almost a year to buy, I received a surprise phone call from our local community college offering me a job to run their new Interpreter Education program. I couldn't turn down that amazing opportunity. Talk about overload: a new role, a new team, and lots of big responsibilities. All of a sudden, the house I had been dreaming and planning to decorate had to take a backseat. In my first months at work, I barely had time to pick up a paint brush. Imagine my frustration, every day I returned home to cardboard boxes, walls full of paint samples, disorganized furniture and bare walls. We even had rooms with exposed plywood. David could not stand the carpet smell from previous owner's dog so one night he had had enough and decided to rip it all out. It was tough.
However I always believe there is a silver lining in everything. The slow process made me appreciate the accomplishments even more. For example, the day the plantation shutters were installed in all the second floor windows after three months of waiting (the company was backed up and one of the panels got lost during the delivery from California). Waking up to gorgeous sun rays peaking through my bedroom windows made the long wait worth it.
For the past several months I have been slowly working with this space which is the family room. It's formerly the living room, but we like the name family room because this is where we all gather together. This room is in the back of the house, with straight views of the backyard, right off the kitchen and the only access to the deck/backyard through a sliding door. When the kids are asleep or playing with the neighborhood friends I would sneak in and do some work. It took me months to build up the courage to paint over our fireplace brick. Looking back, I absolutely have no regrets! I bought a professional paint sprayer to smoothly coat the raised panels in bright white semi-gloss. The glossy reflection brings in natural light through the windows. The previous trim color was cream, as is the rest of the house trim and door. I wanted a fresh look so I went with bright white (with no tint) straight from the can. David is a very good husband because he always puts up with me with my projects.
Here are some before pictures after I removed the previous paint from the paneling and primed the walls. All the grainy photos were taken with my iPhone because I didn't want the dust or paint to get in my big camera.
Here are some before pictures after I removed the previous paint from the paneling and primed the walls. All the grainy photos were taken with my iPhone because I didn't want the dust or paint to get in my big camera.

We replaced the interior and top trim for a more streamlined look that blends in with the character of this home. Here is David using a brad nailer to install the new trim.

I had to airtight the room prior to spraying because it really gets dusty with all the overspray. This is after the primer was painted on the raised panels... it took THREE coats of primer because of the wood bleed through. I had to wear one of those big masks that completely covers your face. The fumes were pretty strong.

After three coat of semi gloss. I was so nervous about using the paint sprayer in fear of creating drips but after the first couple of rounds I got the hang of it. After the paint was fully cured, I painted the walls, window and door trim and crown molding. David replaced all the black outlets (yes they were black...!) with white ones. Living through a renovation is a messy job but I am so happy to say that I'm finally done with this room and can't wait to start the fun process - decorating!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Schultz Christmas Card 2015

Better late than never...
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am looking forward to dusting off this little old blog and sharing more with you in 2016!
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