Our summer is going by too fast. I wish I could slow it down somehow. A lot has happened since the kids' school got out. When I'm home and have free time (usually at night when everyone else has gone to bed!) I am always painting. Our ceilings, walls and trim are all getting painted in white. I am loving the transformation but it takes a lot of time. Lately I've been using Instagram which is like a quick version of blogging. So easy and so simple. I'm @joyschultz if you want to follow. Here are some random news to keep this blog up to date.
1. A big piece of my heart got dropped off at Camp Mary Atkinson's horse back riding camp for a week.
2. Schultz Bunch is complete again. Picked up Summer from camp. These two have a special bond. I'm one lucky mama.
3. Father's Day. They ADORE their daddy. Summer: he can fix anything, is always funny and is sweet to me. Forrest: he is always happy, snuggles me every night and helps me have sweet dreams.
4. These two beg me to swim with them and the second I hop in, they take turns getting on my back and cruising around the pool. Tradition also requires that we play the Schultz version of Marco Polo game.
5. The kids' swim meet got postponed from Saturday to Sunday due to a thunderstorm. I then realized that this falls on the same day as their godmother's bridal shower. Summer's eyes welled up with tears when she saw that she would miss her swim meet for the second time (she missed the first one due to camp) but I promised that she would make it to the next one. This evening she finally got on the diving block, dove in and swam her little heart out. She flipped at the end of the lane, as she was heading back I saw that she quickly turned her head sideways and got excited that she was leading - a heat winner!
6. Happy 4th from our home to yours.
7. This day was a good one {and my Forrest has my heart forever}
8. {First day of work warrants a picture on the front steps} I left my full time job right before Summer was born. It was the best, hardest decision I've ever made and I would not trade those ten precious years for anything in the world. I became the kids' cheerleader, nurse, chauffeur, chef, and more than anything their MOM. David supported us 100% and for that I am forever thankful. When Forrest was almost 2 years old I started teaching part time at our local university. I learned so much in the classrooms through the students that I knew I wanted to continue down that path. With the kids now getting older and more independent I knew it was time for a change. I am excited to announce that I'm the Lead Instructor for the new interpreter education program at the local community college. I am SO grateful for my family's support otherwise I couldn't do this without them. Now they're my cheerleaders.
9. Saturday mornings now have a new meaning for me. With me working again, I find we carve family time more than ever.