Saturday, November 1, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Pumpkin Patch

Every year around Halloween we head to the pumpkin patch. It's a really fun one with lots of pumpkins to choose from. Each one of the kids chose their own pumpkin to take home with us. We even came home with a picture of David and I together (a rare event!) thanks to an impromptu shot by Summer.
Sunday, October 12, 2014

This morning Summer said, "mom, those flowers are SUPER pretty!" I said to her, "do you want to see something even prettier!?" Of course she nodded yes and I lead her straight to her reflection in the bathroom mirror where she started beaming. I sure love my sweet Summer-pie.
Saturday, October 4, 2014

This is one of my favorite pictures I took right after school pick-up yesterday. One of the happiest things about our move to the "city" is the opportunity to bike to school, right in our neighborhood.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Forrest & Summer

This evening I let the kids skip swim practice (shhh... don't tell the coach). We got snoballs at Pelican's and then sat on this lifeguard stand and watched the huge waves crashing on the sand. The ocean was beautiful today but this view was by far my favorite. I love these two with my whole heart.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Forrest: First Day of 2nd Grade

Oh boy, can you tell Forrest is excited about being in 2nd grade?! He searched high and low for the perfect backpack. Score! He checked the computer daily tracking its arrival. So cute.
He loves his new teacher and class. I am so happy that they're happy, that's all that matters.
Summer: First Day of 4th Grade

I can't believe my Summer is in 4th grade!!! She loves her new school, teacher and is making new friends in her class. This year she told me she had to get a BIG backpack because in 4th grade that's when you have lots of homework and BIG books. I love this girl so much.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Tooth Fairy

Forrest is losing teeth faster than he can grow them back. His cute smile is full of holes. Every lost tooth is just as exciting as the first for him. He screams with excitement and then runs and gets our tooth fairy pillow. That little hole you see in the pillow is where they put their little teeth before tucking it under their pillow before bed. These 2 kids are at such a magical stage right now. It feels like I'm living with little cartoon characters. The best!
Monday, August 18, 2014

We drove to Asheville for a long weekend shortly after we moved. It was exactly what we needed to get away from all the stress of the move. We slept and ate a lot. Perfection in my book.
While looking through these pictures on my iPhoto this morning, Forrest randomly said, "I love Grams and Granddaddy's house. I want to buy it." I think that sums up how special their home is. I love that our children are creating memories of visiting their grandparent's home in the mountains. I have similar memories of visiting my Dad's parents in Florida. I can still remember the smell of their backyard, full of orange trees.
Monday, August 4, 2014
We're moving!
Our little family has a BIG announcement - We're moving!
It all happened so fast. When we put our house on the market, it went under contract in 3 weeks. A few not-so-pleasant bumps later we closed on our house this morning.
It all happened so fast. When we put our house on the market, it went under contract in 3 weeks. A few not-so-pleasant bumps later we closed on our house this morning.
We've lived in this house for almost 10 years. We brought home two babies to this house. It's been my home to raise our babies for many years. Those were wonderful years. When our house went under contract, we decided to rent to give us time to find the right house for our family. It wasn't an easy decision to sell our house. A combination of reasons made us go into this direction. Sometimes change is good and we knew it was time.
We can't wait to start this new adventure!
We can't wait to start this new adventure!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Happy 9th Birthday, Summer!

This sweet girl turned 9 on July 22nd. She woke up to balloons in her room in her favorite color (a tradition) and a few birthday gifts. She's a girly girl through and through. We opened gifts and then Summer wanted to spend the day at the beach so we took balloons and treats with us for her birthday. I love this little girl with my whole heart. She is sweet and kind to those around her and that's what matters to me more than anything else.
I love you, Summer.
Monday, June 30, 2014

Last Sunday we dropped off Summer at a Girl Scout camp, about two hours away from home. She stayed at camp until Friday. The longest she's ever been away from home. This picture was taken the first time we saw Summer at camp pick-up. She was all smiles and high-fiving Forrest right before the closing ceremony. Every time I wave them good-bye, whether it be at camp or school, I hope they'll be happy and safe. I always think of this quote, "making the decision to have a child is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Friday, June 20, 2014

2. Caught red-handed! Saw light peeking through Summer's bedroom door as I was checking on the kids this evening.
3. Summer didn't want to go to swim team tonight but she didn't hold it against me for long - each lap she would sneak in the heart sign to me on the sidelines. Love her.
4. Post dinner neighborhood bike ride. Is it summer yet?
5. For 2 years, EVERY morning I drop off my Forrest at school, I give him a hug and a kiss and then as he turns to head out the door, he turns right back and says, "kiss-hand, mama" - which means he wants me to kiss the palm of his hand... from the book, "The Kissing Hand". I never, ever will forget it.
6. She's almost a 4th grader! My sweet Summer this morning. I went outside to find her just like this, eating her cereal before the last day of school. The sign of a very happy and excited girl.
7. Father's Day. These little kids have been blessed with the most loving, kind, fun and devoted dad. He puts his family first and I'm grateful that his example is what they will always associate with what a husband and father should be.
8. First day of summer camp. I gave them both lots of options but they each had their mind set. They wanted to go back to Marine Quest camp again. Love these two.
9. Swim team season has officially begun!
This is a very random update. Just some things to catch you up on...
The rest of our summer has been filled with lots of time outside. If we're not at the pool, we're at the lake or the beach. Between all of the water activities my washing machine is running all the time. If you want to see more of our everyday adventures, since I'm not so good at blogging these days, you can follow me on Instagram. I'm @joyschultz
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Sharky Towel

As I was getting Forrest out of the bathtub this evening he requested the "sharky towel". It's actually been a favorite towel of Forrest's since he was a toddler. As I wrapped him up in it, I noticed that it's barely long enough to cover his buns. So strange but just that realization made my chest tighten. He'll always be mine.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
With Me
I woke up last night around 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. Whenever this happens I always go check on our kids, make sure their blankets are on them, give them kisses on their foreheads and whisper that I love them in their ears. Summer's room was my last stop last night and as I was kissing her forehead she said, "I love you too mommy" then she lifted the blanket up, scooted over and whispered, "just get in here with me". I love this girl with my whole heart.
Sunday, May 11, 2014

A few days ago while we were playing outside in the front yard, Forrest walked up next to me and said, "mama, every time you see me kick the ball, that's me saying I love you".
I melted.
I have really hard days just like every other mother out there but that's what makes the moments like this one, even sweeter. I really love being a mom.
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Happy 7th Birthday, Forrest!
My Forrest turned 7 on May 5th. My BABY is 7?!?! I can't stand it. He woke up to balloons and a few little gifts. His favorite gift was the motorcycle and police car set from the Lego movie. For his birthday he wanted to go swimming and he wanted a square cake with lots of sprinkles and number 7 candle on top so that's exactly what he got. Forrest is my sidekick and my little companion. He gives me unsolicited kisses and hugs all day long and loves to snuggle.
He's the best Mother's Day gift I've ever received.
I love this sweet boy.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
One More Sleep

We have been counting down how many more sleeps until Forrest's 7th birthday. The first thing he said when he woke up this morning was, "only one more sleep 'til my birthday!" A few months back, I bought a vintage plate that says, 'happy birthday' in the center of it. I thought it would make birthdays a little more special if every year the kids get to have their birthday meals on this pretty plate. I showed it to Forrest and let me tell you, he has NOT forgotten. It makes me smile... and Summer tells me how much she LOVES the gold on it and speaks of this special plate with almost a sense of reverence. She can't wait for her turn.
For the last two weeks Forrest has gone to the chest in the kitchen where I keep it a few times a day and just stares at it, asking when it will be his birthday so he can use it. Today I finally let him get it out. I am happy to report that we now have it all washed and ready for his birthday breakfast tomorrow morning. How sweet are the simple pleasures.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Egg Hunt

The egg hunt in the backyard was cute. They were each trying to find "their own eggs", the ones with their initials. Summer was sweet and helped Forrest find his eggs.
Their faces show exactly how excited they were.
Easter Morning

Before the kids went to bed on "Easter Eve", they put out carrots for the Easter Bunny. Forrest was contemplating what beverage to leave for the bunny. He couldn't decide between milk, water or juice. After thoughtful contemplation he decided water would be the best. In keeping with tradition, the kids also got to put on their Easter Pajamas.
Early in the morning both of them rushed into our bedroom to wake us up so they could go downstairs. It really is the most adorable thing to watch them be so excited about finding out what the bunny has left for them. Summer was screaming with excitement when she saw that the carrots had been nibbled at and the water was gone. The kids each found their baskets. The Easter Bunny left them lots of foil wrapped chocolate eggs, jelly beans, peeps, a milk chocolate bunny for each of them, pez (of course!) sunglasses and a few other little prizes. They were thrilled.
Happy Easter

We had a very happy Easter. It had been raining for days leading up to Easter Day. The kids were so worried the Easter Bunny wouldn't deliver in the rain. I had David take our picture under the front porch before we headed to church. Summer's dress looked cuter without her little cardigan but she INSISTED on wearing one since I had one on. She wanted to be just like me.
I have more pictures from our morning. We had an early morning egg hunt and ate lots and lots of chocolate for breakfast. It was perfect.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
David's 50th birthday (6 months late)
David celebrated turning 50 last November...
50 has never looked so good!
In many respects he looks younger than 50. He is an incredible husband and father and there's no on else I'd rather journey through this life with. He's the most kind and loving person I know. He is good to his core. I'm so happy he's ours.
His birthday fell on the same week as Thanksgiving so everyone had plans and couldn't make it to join us to celebrate his 50th birthday. I was a bit bummed about it. I decided to make this video. The kids and I have been working on it for a while. There were soo many pictures to choose from, so these are some of our favorites. I can't help but tear up every time I watch it.
Happy Birthday to David! Here's to many many more years with my David.
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Forrest has a little dog pillow pet. He names it Ruff. The most important part of his Ruff is the little strap on the side that has the velcro on it. That strap is like GOLD. When he sleeps at night he has to put his head on Ruff and then he holds the strap. Every morning he walks into our bedroom in his jammies dragging Ruff. When we go downstairs for breakfast - Ruff gets dragged down the stairs. I have to make sure when I wash his pillow pet that it is dry by the time it's bedtime. One of these nights I'm going to sneak in his room and get a picture of him with him sleeping and holding on to that velcro strap.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Locks of Love

I don't get to our family blog as much as I would like to these days. As the kids get older my spare moments are fewer and fewer. Summer decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love. This girl has a heart of gold. She loves her new hair 'do. I have lots of pictures but just enough time to post this one taken right before she got her hair cut. I can't wait to show the afters. I seem to take the lazy route and post on Instagram more frequently than here where I should be posting for our "family scrapbook". My goal is to get back to my real camera and be better about documenting my kids so that they have pictures to put with their memories as they grow older.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Thumbs Up
I just ran across this picture of my Summer. It makes me smile. This was taken on the day we went to the fair. She was so excited about the rides that she could barely sleep the night before.
I sure love her. Thumbs up and all.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Snow Day

We had a very fun snow day at home. The kids were hoping for lots of snow to build a snowman but when they woke up the next morning all they saw was ice with a dust of snow. They were very disappointed. Then I realized the little hill in our backyard would make a perfect bunny slope and suggested to Summer and Forrest to take out their boogie boards to test it out. It worked!
The kids sledded with their boards most of the day. With no school for a few days this was the best entertainment ever. I was in the kitchen making hot cocoas and brownies while David spent the day teaching the kids all the ins and outs of sledding and snowboarding. The kids figured out how to stand on their boards to snowboard. This was a fun day for David with the kids getting some things he could actually relate to! They're not babies anymore and I am loving watching their personalities develop. I want to freeze them just like this forever.
Saturday, January 11, 2014

My sweet Summer was sitting on this little chair just watching me while I was sewing on the craft table in the playroom. She's so cute with her messy bed-hair and jammies. She begged me to teach her how to sew. I told Summer that I had some fabric scraps and that we could get her started. It's so cute to see how proud she is. I'm SOO happy that I have a little girl who loves to sew as much as I do.
My Summer is the sweetest little person on this earth. I am convinced of this fact. She thinks her name is "Summer-pie"... just ask her. She's my buddy and it's the best.
I love this Summer of mine.
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