Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hoppy Day

We had a really nice day today. The Easter Bunny did not disappoint this year. The kids woke up to LOTS of chocolate and an Easter Egg hunt. After church we had two of our dear friends over for Easter Dinner. I took lots of pictures but am just too tired to even look at them right now - except for this sweet little one I saw of Forrest. Here he is in his new Easter outfit this afternoon. He says its not complete without his bow tie. Adorable. I was walking up to see why the front door was open and there he was watering the plants. The sweetest.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just "3 more sleeps"

... but who's counting?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Counter Debate

I've been having a hard time making my decision about the kitchen countertop for a while. If you know me well enough, it takes me forever to make a decision... poor David. But I can't justify (or afford) buying the most expensive ones. I've decided on Caesarstone's Misty Carrera quartz which is a soft grey that resembles carrera marble. I saw a sample at a kitchen showroom the other day and immediately loved it. I'm crossing my fingers it will turn out how I've imagined.
Until then, the cardboard boxes will do just fine.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dress Down Day

Summer's school had Dress Down Day. Normally the students wear school uniforms every day so this event was a real treat. The students get to dress up a character from a book of their choice. Summer has always said she wants to be a reporter like Amy Namey from the Judy Moody books. When we talked about which character to pick, she looked sad at me because she thought "no one would know she is" if she went as Amy Namey. I told her I could figure something out to make it obvious that she was Amy Namey, The Reporter. The apron was full of pencils and post-it notes for the important questions. She carried a clipboard around and I pinned a name tag on her. The white rhinestone rimmed glasses were her favorite part. She said Amy Namey wears TWO watches so those were an easy make. I thought she looked adorable. She did too until it was time to get out of the car. She kept saying she was nervous and would NOT open the door. I told her it was no big deal because if she didn't want to be in costume, all she had to do was put the apron and clipboard in her backpack and she was in a perfectly cute and normal outfit. She agreed and hopped out of the car. Watching her walk through all of the kids was painful for me. I thought for sure when I picked her up from school that there would be NO sign of her costume. I was happily surprised to pull up after school to find her still in full costume. She said she had a really fun day. I don't know if she'll continue to want to be a reporter when she grows up but I do know she would sure make a cute one.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monkey See Monkey Do

Summer is one awesome life coach.
She passes on only the most important life skills to her little brother.