Saturday, February 16, 2013


When we put the kids to bed last night, David and I went down the stairs to clean up the kitchen. While we were cleaning, he took my hand, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. And you know what? It was just as thrilling as it was the first time he did that, 13 years ago on February 13th. That day David and I volunteered to help with the Special Olympics Ski Team at a ski resort in Boone. After everyone had gone home at the end of the day, it was just the two of us and maybe a few other skiers on the slopes. We rode up on the chair lift in the cold wind as the sun was going down and skied down the mountains as much as we could before we got kicked out. When I loaded up my skis in my car and said my good byes to David, he gave me that first kiss on the cheek.
I am so glad he's my Valentine.
Photo from our family ski trip in Whistler in 2006.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Heart Attack

On Valentine's Day, after Summer and Forrest got out of school we went straight to the neighborhood down the road from our home. We have the world's NICEST friends and gave them a "heart-attack" on their front door. My kids refer to them as Oma and Opa and love them dearly. They really are like Deaf grandparents to our kids. Oma always remembers their birthdays and brings over treats for each holiday. Opa used to ride his motorcycle and both Summer and Forrest loved to sit in his side car... in the garage. He recently sold his motorcycle and got a VW camper van so they can travel with their dog, Emma. She is the sweetest dog. Summer and Forrest beg everyday to get a dog just because they love Emma. Needless to say, we just adore them. So for Valentine's Day we cut out hearts and Summer and Forrest wrote little messages to them. We snuck over and taped them all over their front door. I think we need to make this a tradition because it was just too much fun.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Forrest and Summer passed out Valentines in their classes today. Here are Forrest's and Summer's. They are too cute. That really is their profile and they both felt so excited to pass them out to their classmates.
After school today we gave our sweet friends a heart-attack on their door. I have the cutest pictures that I am trying to upload. I'm having a hard time uploading them but will get that figured out in the morning. Forrest had a class party at school that was adorable. We had dinner as a family and got to use our fancy dinner plates for the first time in months. We've been using paper plates during the kitchen renovation, and yes we are STILL renovating. After David got both kids showered, into their jammies for bed and read them a story. That was the best gift EVER! A busy and happy day.
Valentines from here

Monday, February 11, 2013


We just returned from three days in Asheville visiting my parents, Grandaddy and Grams. I almost never took my camera out but was so glad to capture this one with Grandaddy in the back of their house. All Summer and Forrest could talk about during the six hours drive was riding the zip line. I think this picture says it all. A fun memory for sure. For those of you who are curious, that's a paper airplane in my dad's mouth. He was holding it for Forrest. So sweet.