Gosh, I love him.
My Forrest is the sweetest little person on this earth. I am convinced of this fact.
When I tell him I love him he always replies, "I love you too Mommy" and puts his arms around my legs. It makes me smile every time.
His very favorite TV show is the Backyardigans.
When I put him to bed he always says, "kissing hand". That means he wants me to kiss the palm of his hand. The second I finish he puts his hand on his cheek then says, "me give you kissing hand". It's the cutest.
His favorite food is goldfish crackers. Just goldfish. Goldfish and cereal, pineapples and goldfish, eggs and goldfish. He'll eat anything with goldfish.
He insists on dressing himself these days and dislikes it when I pick out his outfit for the day.
I had 3 hours every day with just the two of us when Summer was in school. I miss that time. I can hardly believe in less than 5 weeks he will be starting school as a Kindergartener. Where is the time going?
He's my buddy and it's the best.
I love this boy of mine.