In honor of Father's Day, Forrest's 4 year old class at preschool put on a "Donuts with Dads" program today. Since preschool ends before Father's Day, the class did this for their daddies. So sweet. Forrest was sooo excited he could hardly stand it. As they were driving to school he said, "Dad, my cheeks are hurting from smiling so much. I am so excited." It was 100% adorable. My favorite part was watching Forrest and David this morning while taking pictures in the backyard before they left. Forrest didn't take his eyes off of his daddy the entire time. He was so proud that he was there for him. He presented him with a drawing of his daddy that he made for him and "My dad is..." here is how he filled it out in his own thinking.
The tears came down when I saw this, "My dad is handsome when... he goes on an interview". Tears of sadness but mostly gratitude. There is something about the innocent in a child's eyes. I laid in bed next to my Forrest watching him breathe as I read a book to him this evening. His love for his daddy is insurmountable. Last july David got laid off from his state job. All of us in our daily routines until this unexpected change of life was thrust upon us. This experience has touched our whole family. Forrest loves his time with daddy. To say that he adores his daddy would be an understatement. The bond between these two have grown deeper over the last several months which I am deeply grateful for. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for our family. I still have my little family. And that is the most important thing to me. This has been a faith promoting experience for all of us. Even our sweet Summer has gained a greater appreciation for prayer. David is going to come out of this stronger. I think we all will... We know that we are being watched over and we will be forever grateful to the countless number of people that have been so mindful of our little family. My eyes well-up just thinking about how our family has been through... with love.
It is also interesting how the hardest periods of our lives end up being the experiences that enable us to be or at least be on the road to becoming the kind of person that we want to be. This experience has done that for me. As hard as it was, I have learned so much and now have a new heightened awareness of how truly blessed we are. Life is such a precious gift.