Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Our family on the day after Thanksgiving...
For the past two years we've been going to the same rental house on Kure Beach. What a year it has been since last Thanksgiving and how thankful I am for our family. I love getting together with David's family every Thanksgiving. This year David's brother in law was able to join us and it was a lot of fun.  I love that my kids were able to spend time with their cousins and I love being able to hang out with my sister in law.  The main highlight of the week for me was watching all of the cousins playing together. Their days were filled with swimming, fishing, playing on the beach, eating, dolphin sighting, playing dress-up, and running around the house. The dads took the "little kids" to see Happy Feet 2 while the girls shopped. David's parents were so gracious to offer the beach house for all of us and for that I am so grateful. I even loved the daily walks on the beach... David and I had an hour of uninterrupted time together to just talk. That was a treat in itself. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious and I did not take one photo of it. It was a wonderful week.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shooting Arrow

I am still sorting through my pictures from Thanksgiving week however I did come across these two from Forrest's Thanksgiving program at his preschool. Here's my favorite Indian in his costume he made in class. He was so proud of his Indian costume. We spent Thanksgiving at Kure Beach and Forrest made sure that I brought this for the big feast day again this year. Every student in his class is given their own Indian name and this year he was "Shooting Arrow". The program was super adorable (We were all humming to the songs during the Thanksgiving meal) and I am so glad I got to capture some of the songs on video.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to my David!

Today is my David's birthday. He went out for a ride this morning and is still not home. I got the kids up early and we went to the store and they picked out balloons for him, a card, his favorite breakfast (an omelet burrito and mango smoothie) and of course cinnamon rolls for the kids. Summer and Forrest both worked really hard decorating the card. They are currently sitting on the porch with all of their loot just waiting for him. It is so cute to see them so excited to surprise their daddy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tire Swing

I love my time with you in the afternoons when it is just you and me.
I love how you make me laugh everyday.
I love pushing you on the tire swing. Even when my arms get tired.
I love how it makes you smile when you swing and get dizzy. You like it!
I love seeing you sign "more" over and over.
I love it when you whine when I say it's time to get off. You're cute when you get upset.
I love being your mama.
I love that I am there for you.
I love you, forrest.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Maco Light Legend 5k Run

David decided to run in the Maco Light Legend 5k race again this year. He dropped his time by 35 seconds. Impressive. This is the race that runs through Summer's school campus along the old railroad that claims to be haunted. Quite fascinating for this part of town. You can read more about it here. Summer and I did the fun mile run and she felt very grown-up to be a part of this fundraiser for her school's fitness and fine arts program. After the race the kids jumped on the blow-up bounce house and ate lots of italian ice. Earlier when we got to the school parking lot the kids in the back of our car would start telling and pointing when they saw the bounce house. It was so cute to watch. The real treat was having my dad join us with our good friends, Sharon and Elmer. We loved our time with them and can't wait for next year.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Circus Boy

Forrest has been on a little bit of a naughty streak lately. He does things he is not allowed to do and then charms his way out of them. Yesterday he was in the shower and he knows that it is a BIG no-no to waste shampoo. David and I have both had numerous conversations with him about dumping shampoo down the drain. I went to get him out of my shower and noticed the plastic bowl we have in there that they play with was extra, extra bubbly. I then noticed my shampoo bottle (not the cheap kids shampoo) was laying on the shower floor. I picked it up and sure enough it was empty. I told him he was getting dried off and heading to time out then he replied, "Mom, i am trying to learn to be a good cooker! I was NOT being naughty I was just making soup." A good cooker? Where does he come up with this stuff?? He still had to go to time out but he did get a laugh out of me.

Today he got me again. I let the kids ride their scooters on the deck. They love to play "freeway" around the deck table. It doesn't bother me and they have fun.  I do draw the line however with bikes. Bikes are not allowed. This afternoon I looked down the deck from our window upstairs and saw Forrest riding like a crazy boy all over the deck. He was doing dangerous handstands on the bike (it has training wheels) and other stunts. I came down the stairs and told him to get his bike into the garage asap. He then looked at me and said, "Mom, I am practicing to be a circus boy. Circus boys HAVE TO practice and I am NOT being naughty." I kid you not those were his exact words to me. I died. I also grabbed my camera. I then had him explain to me what he was planning on doing for the show. That first picture is of him explaining in detail the dangerous stunt he was practicing. He was dead serious. He then said he couldn't continue talking and taking pictures because he needed to exercise like daddy and propped the back training wheels onto the 1 inch thick grass next to the deck. It was enough to get the back wheel so that it didn't touch the ground. Voila... he had a stationary bike. He was peddling crazy fast and was staying in place. Hilarious.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bumblebee Summer

There's a new bumblebee in town... Watch out!

Forrest the Superhero

Forrest was a superhero this year. His cape and mask provided a full week's worth of entertainment. He had those things on all day long, everyday and would chase after pretend bad men to save the world in our house. I'm not just making this up. He learned to yell "superhero to the rescue!"


We had a really fun Halloween... I must say though that this has been one crazy week. I went out of town for a couple of days and got home with the laundry basket completely full. It's been non stop for me in the laundry department and I'm tired. David ripped the carpet off of our stairs yesterday morning and went right to work on restoring the wooden steps. I took the kids trick-or-treating last night in our neighborhood while David filled the holes and handed out the candy. It was quite a sight but he made it work. Forrest loved cruising in the wagon and Summer ran from house to house. Our neighborhood is a fun one on Halloween night. Lots and lots of kids and parents running through the streets. It's adorable. The kids have already started talking about what they want to be next year. I love their ages right now. Every holiday is just magical for them. I know that will change someday so I am enjoying it so, so much right now. Now I need to figure out what to do with all this candy in the house. I always forget how delicious Kit-Kats are. Seriously, so good. Here's to another fun Halloween and hoping that David gets the stairs done soon. My fingers are crossed.
Happy Halloween!