My Forrest is all boy and I love it. We took the kids to the Touch-A-Truck event in town recently. Any vehicle you can imagine was sitting right there on that parking lot... ambulances, helicopters, tow trucks, racing cars, 16 wheelers, firetrucks, tractors, and construction trucks. And get this, any of these you could touch. Sit in the driver's seat? Honk the horn? Climb the firetruck ladder? Swing on the tow belt? Sure, why not! Imagine the squealing and laughter coming from this boy. He felt really grown up.
It is amazing how your heart's ability to love just multiplies. The love I have for him is indescribable. I grew up with only a sister. Often I rely on David for his expertise in the boyhood field. I quickly learned what boys are like. To wane through the world of toys designed specifically for boys is no easy feat. His top three favorites are legos, trains and trucks. Yes, there are days when Forrest plays with his sister dressing up and hosting tea parties. So that's all right.
Forrest is a sweet, sweet boy. I really love this boy. Having Forrest in my life is a blessing. I love being his mama. He makes me smile and laugh every day. When i asked him how he liked it he said, "Mommy, thumbs up!" So I guess it was a success.