Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My Pirate... Well, Bat Boy
My Forrest is hilarious. He cracks me up at the right moments whenever I need a "pick-me-up". For the longest time, Forrest had been announcing everyone that he was going to be a Pirate for Halloween. I spotted this adorable bat shirt and decide to take it home with me. Forrest would not let go of the shirt when I showed him, my mistake. The morning of Forrest's Halloween party at preschool, he stood by his bedroom closet with his finger pointing at the bat shirt, quite determined to wear it. I knew I could not change his mind. Here's Forrest trying to imitate "bat" with fangs and wings flying.
My cute boy. He's even cuter as a bat.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is an hour of fun time after preschool where the kids can stay and eat lunch with their friends. I make it special, because it is not often when they go. It costs an extra $5 each time. Summer and Forrest had been begging me to go since they started school. Last Friday morning, I told the kids they could go Lunch Bunch that day. The kids' faces lit up! They ran to the pantry, took out their lunch boxes and ran around the house squealing. Excited! Forrest was so proud of his box. When we got to the preschool he kept saying to the teachers, "I'm going to Lunch Bunch!" These little things make their childhood special.
Here's a quote I read last night that really stuck to me:
"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." -Charles R. Swindoll
This quote made me beautiful, just by being their mommy. It doesn't matter how tired or glamorous I look. Knowing that I'm making their childhood special by doing these little things that are a big deal to them, makes me feel beautiful in a powerful way. I feel so much responsibility to my kids. I have been given these little ones to care for. To love and to teach them... to help them develop to their fullest potential. I am and always will be their number one fan.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Rainbow Pizza
What do you do with two grouchy (very) kids at 4:30 in the afternoon? Why, add sprinkles and craisins to their pizza, of course! It worked like a charm.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Forrest & Summer's Playroom
Our home isn't big, so to make a true playroom, I converted the dining room into a playroom. We almost never use the formal dining room, and since it being right next to the kitchen and laundry room where I spend most of my time, it was an ideal location. I am big on organization. I saw this cute picture from a Pottery Barn Kids catalog recently to get some ideas, here's what we did... David built these two shelves with scrap wood he had left in the garage. I painted summer's in white, and left forrest's natural wood. With a thick rug, mirror and pink/blue baskets from Target, wicker baskets for dress up things, table/chairs (Kidkraft) and an easel (IKEA), the playroom came alive. This is Forrest's favorite hang out place when we are home in the mornings while Summer is in preschool. I love the happy colors. It makes me want to be a little girl all over again and play with them.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Summer's First Sentence!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pretty Things
I admit I'm a sucker for all pretty things. I love simple things, yet meaningful. I went out shopping recently to decorate our home for this season with a (very) limited budget. I'm pleased how it turned out, but I think Summer was secretly hoping for those neon orange battery-operated pumpkins blasting brightly that she liked on the aisle while shopping at Home Depot. I have a feeling that when she grows up, becomes a mommy, she will go on the hunt for white and tiger striped pumpkins, orange flowers and simple candles. The kids' artwork are found among the decor... the pine cones they painted and forrest's painted pumpkin from preschool. They make me happy.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Family Pictures
One of my favorite friends, Sharon, is an amazing photographer. I asked her to take our family photos this year. I love that she captured this magical time of our little kids' lives. Here is an sampling of a few of my favorites. The family shot I am saving for our holiday card. She has an amazing talent and I am grateful she shared her day with us!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
After the kids' bath... in my opinion, there is nothing cuter than siblings in Halloween jammies.
Monday, October 12, 2009
My Girl
Mondays are particularly busy days for us with preschool and gymnastics. This afternoon I was rushing the kids home from preschool, getting them fed with lunch, then down for their nap/quiet time before we leave again. Summer gets to choose nap or quiet time. She usually choose wisely. She knows if she naps, she can stay up with her brother a little bit later. If she opts quiet time, she has to go to bed early. Today, she chose nap. I had zillions of stuff waiting for me on my desk since we were away the weekend. Summer kept coming to me at my desk, one was she accidentally hit her head on the door frame and wanted a boo boo kiss, one was to let me know which leotard she wanted to wear for her gymnastics class. Then, I told her firmly, it is time to get in your bed and take a nap. A few minutes later, I felt a hand on my arm. It was Summer, again. By now, I was ready to give her the "stay in your bed" lecture. Looking at her face, I knew she was up to something. She said she wanted to give me a kiss and hug my arm. I felt so loved. I later realized she was so used to having me "putting her to bed" that I totally forgot to do that today with all the things buzzing around in my mind that needed to be done. It was her way of getting dosages of "mommy's love, hugs and kisses" before she closes her eyes. She amazes me everyday, and helps me become a better mommy. Thank you for being who you are, my girl.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Farm
A friend of mine told me about this farm. Fun and educational, the perfect combination. When I saw the kids' faces with excitement when I showed them the website about the farm, sold! Forrest could not stop talking about the train ride. We packed our bags for the weekend out of town, leaving David behind at home to focus on the deck construction. When we got to the farm, the kids were entertained nonstop for three straight hours, my perfect agenda for a Saturday. Forrest's favorite part was, of course, the train ride. He was in train heaven going around and around twice. I loved seeing him smile from ear to ear. Summer, being the avid gymnast she is, loved the hay jump. There is an endless pile of hay and you can really jump around like on a trampoline. It took the kids less than a minute to make their this year's pumpkin pick. I was relieved they picked small ones so I could haul all three of them back myself. The best part was being with the two of them, seeing their eyes filled with wonder and happiness. Being alone with two preschoolers, my camera was a challenge. It is a learning curve. To my little pumpkins,
i love love love being your mommy.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Miss Acrobat
Summer is at her happiest when she is on the gymnastics mat, anytime, anywhere. Lately she has been making new strides with her tumbling skills. For the past two years ever since starting taking gymnastics she always had to have her coach holding her hand while walking across the high (really high!) balance beam. This week she walked across all by herself. After she got down, she ran to me, and gave me this biggest hug. I love it when her face brightens when she accomplishes something she worked so hard. David had an extra long 4 by 4 posts left from the deck construction, he put it down on the grass near the playset so that Summer could practice walking back and forth. I think that has paid off. Another "I did it!" was climbing up the rope. The coach would hold the bottom of the rope with the her hand on Summer's feet helping her up. But this time, she was on her own. I was reading at that moment, and when I looked up, I almost screamed at the sight of Summer's hands and legs all holding on the rope midair all by herself. I will have to get used to it, somehow. If I turn away just for one second, she's onto something new.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tubby Time
I have mentioned several times before how much Summer loves to shower. Forrest, on the other hand, is more of a bath boy. Last night, however, they both opted for the bath. Summer would just stand under the water for hours if I let her take a shower. Summer is becoming more and more independent. She loves to lather up and wash not only herself but also Forrest. Every time they get out, I grab a towel, then they turn around ready for me to drape it over their backs. The sight of them walking around all wrapped up in white towels always makes me smile because it reminds me of the movie ET when ET dresses up as a ghost and waddles around the neighborhood. David and I are always talking about how fast time is flying by with these little ones. He usually reminds me of this important fact during the occasional pep talk he gives me after I've had a particularly long day of toddler tantrums and the like. This time of their childhood is a lot of work (a lot) but it really is a magical time. They are full of wonder and everything is so exciting to them... even bathing.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sweet Forrest
Forrest had been sick for the past week. He was quite miserable. Poor Forrest! He had been so fussy... not wanting me to hold him, but then when I would set him down he would cry even more. Basically, he has been miserable. Today, he seems more himself and actually had the desire to play with his toys. I am so relieved to know that he feels better and is back to his sweet and happy self.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I Did It!
Persistence. Let me tell you something about this girl. She does not give up. After months of trying to climb up the playground post, she finally did it. And was beaming with so much pride! This is the best thing for me to see Summer accomplishing something on her own without giving up.
I am so proud of you, Summer. I love you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Park
It was a gorgeous day when we headed to the park. I tagged along my new camera so I could practice shooting pictures outdoors. I know I have a long ways to go, but I think this is a good start.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
After Summer's quiet time, I told her I had a surprise for her. She came into the kitchen, with her eyes closed. I held out a bottle of pink with glitter nail polish. When she opened her eyes, she jumped with excitement! I admit, this is her first time getting her nails painted. I painted her nails out on the back porch, with the fall breeze dancing all around us. After her nails were dry, she admired each fingernail and toenail as if they were priceless. She IS priceless. I love this age.
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