Monday, July 27, 2009
While we were eating dinner Saturday, Summer asked, "Can we sleep in the tent tonight, please?" David was happy to oblige. After getting the kids ready for bed, they trucked down their blankets, pillows, loveys, and books from their rooms to the screened porch where the tent is set up. The kids could not contain their excitement for camping out.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Forrest & The Scooter
This boy knows how to ride his scooter. Quite well. His crocs are brimming to the edges of falling apart from scooting his little scooter. He has his wheelbarrow in tow, filled with his toys such as Tonka trucks and Summer's pink barbie bike. It was a beautiful day when we went out for our walk. Summer was riding her bike in a straight line with cautious, while Forrest loved to scoot onto and down neighbors' driveways like a rollercoaster. Forrest, I'm on... for the search for some new shoes that will withstand the scooting for many days to come. I love you, my sweet scooter.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Gymnasts
Do they get any cuter than this little one? Forrest adores his sister and would do whatever she does. Ever the optimist, Summer puts on her leotard every day in hopes that I would take her to a ballet class like Angelina on "Angelina Ballerina". When Forrest sees her in her leotard, he has to be in one too. I adore this little boy. Every little thing about him. He is our funny child and I love that about him... loves to make us laugh. The other day I was teaching him how to sign "I" when reviewing ABC's and he just laughed his head off (thinking that hand sign was a pretty hilarious sight) and then all of us laughed too. Silly, loud and HAPPY. I love, love, love YOU, Forrest.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Party
Happy 4th Birthday to my Summer! She was so excited when she woke up. she kept saying "Am I really four years old?!" All week, the weather predicted rain on the day of her party at the sailing club. When we got to the lake, my worries for a rainy day faded away once I saw the beautiful sun. It was partly cloudy, low humidity - just exactly what I had hoped for. Staying true to her roots, Summer wanted an Ariel, the Little Mermaid, party. Three of her dearest friends came - Amelia, Coco and Chloe, along with their siblings. The kids had a blast swimming, jumping on the water trampoline, lots of laughter, and just playing together. Everyone had a blast. I would say it was a pretty great way to kick-off her year as a big 4 year old.
Happy Birthday to my sweet girl. I love you forever.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Summer's Haircut
Let me tell you, this girl knows what she wants. "Mommy, can I please get my hair cut?!" After begging for the past month, I finally oblige. Summer loves her new haircut. It's so much easier to brush her hair, I must say. She looks so grown up. Where is the time going?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Members Only
My cute Forrest & Summer sharing the stool during a snack time. It was a sweet moment when Summer came down after her nap and Forrest was already sitting on the stool eating. Forrest saw her coming, and moved over so Summer could squeeze in. I love seeing the love they have for one another. Having siblings is like being a part of a very private club. Only those with siblings can truly understand what I mean, but it is so, so true. I know Summer and Forrest have established this club, almost subconsciously. Even being their mommy does not give me access... and because I know how important and wonderful this club membership is for them, I am not jealous in the least... I get it. I love this moment. I am one blessed mommy.
Toy Boat

One of our kids' favorite books is "Toy Boat", and we have named our sailboat after this book. In the book, it talks about the relationship between the boy and the toy boat. How the toy boat loved to go out and explore the world when the boy lost the string to the boat, yet loved to return back home to its owner, the boy. This is a metaphor of our children's lives. We are slowly expanding their safety net, how far they can go out and explore. They know mommy and daddy will always be here when they return.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Summer's Special Day
We got to Mayfaire a bit early, shopped around a bit before the movie started. Summer loved to do the skipping part where Daddy and I held on to her hands and swing her back and forth. When we arrived at the theater, I told Summer she could pick any candy she wanted. After a long wait, she finally decided on Twizzlers. Get this, Twizzlers are Daddy's all time favorite candy. Summer looked at me with her worried eyes, "But, mommy, that is daddy's favorite candy". I told her, "It's all yours. You don't have to share with Daddy". Oh my. I wished I had a video camera to catch her expression when she said, "All by myself?!"
Summer loved the movie, and did incredibly great for a first time goer! She sat very still for the first hour then got restless. Afterwards, she got to pick where she wanted to go for dinner. She wanted to stay at Mayfaire and specifically wanted mac and cheese with shrimp. Fortunately, Brixx, a pizza restaurant, was able to accommodate her wish. We browsed around a bit more before heading home. Summer held on to her bag of 4 Twizzlers tightly on the way home, kept repeating, "This is for Forrest." I walked in the house to find Forrest, and the first thing he signed "Summer?!" and ran past me to find his big sister. My heart melted. It is so special to see how much they missed each other even for a few hours of being apart. I hope she knows that we loved our time with her. It was a very special day for Summer.
Happy 4th Birthday, sweet Summer, we love you so much!
Happy 4th Birthday, sweet Summer, we love you so much!
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