Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

We had a wonderful Father's Day. How grateful I am to be married to a man that honors his role as a father. He is an amazing with our kids and they light up the minute they hear the garage door open at the end of the day. That sound means one thing... Daddy's home! I am so blessed that God has chosen David just for me and then for Summer and Forrest, too. I couldn't think of a better daddy for my little children.
Happy Father's Day
To the Daddy to two precious children.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Nap Time

This boy wanted to see Daddy when it was time to go down for his nap. He knew Daddy was out at work but he just had to see Daddy. He could not go to sleep. When I went up to check on him a few minutes later, I found Forrest asleep on top of the stairs. Just too precious to see how much he loves Daddy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Simple Things

I love walking out of the front door to the sight of these gorgeous gardenias that are blooming. There are hundreds of them this year. It makes me stop my life for a moment and reminiscing the simplicity of life. How nature could create such a beautiful flower and aroma blows my mind. Simple things like Summer saying, "baby soup" for bathing suit, the good night kiss and hug Forrest gives to Summer after brushing his teeth before bed time, and the love I see between the two siblings. These are a few of the simplicity I love about our life.